
Safeguarding and Welfare

safeguarding is everyone's responsibility


Suffolk FA offers a range of safeguarding services and training to help create a safe and enjoyable football experience for everyone.

We ensure safeguarding requirements are met as a requirement of club affiliation and we support clubs to maintain these standards. This can sometimes include making unannounced safeguarding visits to clubs.

Here in Suffolk we are proud to support a number of award winning Charter Standard Clubs performing some brilliant work in safeguarding and welfare. 

The Offside Trust is the organisation founded and run by survivors of child sexual abuse in sport. To visit their website click here




for more information about child exploitation & Online protection

 fa respect code of conduct - adult players

 fa respect code of conduct - coaches, Team managers & club officials

fa respect code of conduct - match officials

 fa respect code of conduct - spectators & parents

fa respect code of conduct - young players

Reporting a concern 

Contact a member of Suffolk FA staff - Hayley Chart, Richard Neal, Matt Stebbings or James Morley

Tel: 01449 616606 (option 2) (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm)

To report your concerns to Suffolk FA click here

or scan the QR Code below: 

 QR Code for Suffolk FA Safeguarding Concern Reporting Form

For safeguarding advice or queries, in the first instance please contact Suffolk FA. If Suffolk FA cannot help you with your safeguarding query, please contact The FA directly on

If you have an immediate safeguarding concern that needs reporting outside of normal working hours, or if you believe a child or young person is at immediate risk of harm, please contact 999 or the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000




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