Full-time and WGS Online Club Administration

Online Club Administration

Full-Time, Matchday App, Whole Game System and Club Portal


Is an easy-to-use, online administration system designed to manage the day-to-day running of a league. It generates a website for fixtures, results, tables, results, statistics and more, or can be used to work with existing websites. You can find a full list of leagues (over 1000) already using Full-Time.


Grassroots Technology Knowledge base

A fantastic tool for Clubs/Leagues to assist with many queries and easy-to-find assistance and help guides on all FA technology such as Club Portal/Competitions Portal/WGS/FT/Matchday App etc.
Click here

Matchday app

The FA Matchday app has been developed specifically to automate everything around your football life. It's now made available to Club Secretaries, Chairs, Treasurer, Managers, and Coaches.

Click here

Whole Game System

Since 2016, Full-Time has also been working in conjunction with the FA’s Whole Game System, allowing leagues to have access to team and player data, suspensions, and fixtures, using live information provided by clubs and leagues. This removes the duplication of data and reduces the workload for volunteers – clubs and leagues need only provide information in one place, and it will be shared between all England Football systems.


Club Portal

The Club Portal is the new platform for clubs to administer all their player registrations to be submitted to the relevant league for approval. All Safeguarding and Coaching qualifications can also be viewed here as well as adding and removing both Club and Team Officials.


Access to Full-Time and Whole Game System

Full-Time, Whole Game System, and Club Portal are all multi-user systems, with league and club officials able to login and update information. Leagues who use Full-Time have control to determine which of the functions their clubs are able to use and can add to these as the league becomes comfortable with the options.

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