CPD events Feb 2022

CPD programme of events are planned

SUFFOLK FA have arranged a CPD programme of events.

SUFFOLK FA have arranged a CPD programme of events.

These events are available for all Suffolk coaches to attend. They are all FREE and are for coaches of all levels.

All coaches that attend will receive accredited CPD hours to their FAN’s.

To book an individual event, please scan the below QR code which will take you to the booking page where all the individual events are listed.

Just click on each of the event you wish to attend.

The events are as follows:


Goalkeeping CPD, Part 1

Delivered by Ipswich Town Football Club coaches, Rene Gilmartin and Carl Pentney

Date: Monday, February 27th 2023

Time: 6.30pm-8.30pm

Venue: ITFC Training Ground, Playford Road, Ipswich

Details: Ipswich Town Football Club will be hosting a Goalkeeper specific CPD event. There will be a short classroom presentation which will lead to a practical session outside on the grass where they will be looking at the importance of including Goalkeepers in outfield sessions within live practices.


Stepping over the Sidelines

Delivered by FA Regional Coach Developer Joanne Williams

Date: Monday, March 13th 2023

Time: 6pm-7pm

Venue: Ipswich Academy School

Details: Stepping over the Sidelines is a new workshop for females aged 14 and over, involved or thinking of becoming involved in the game. The workshop is designed to offer mums, female guardians, helpers, assistants and young leaders the opportunity to have a first look at how they might be able to get involved in football.


Developing on the Pitch

Delivered by FA Regional Coach Developer Joanne Williams

Date: Monday, March 13th 2023

Time: 7pm-9pm

Venue: Ipswich Academy School

Details: Developing on the Pitch is targeted at coaches working towards UEFA C in the next 12 months. It will cover, knowing your players better, knowing their game and coaching practice & behaviours


Goalkeeping CPD, Part 2

Delivered by Ipswich Town Football Club coaches, Rene Gilmartin and Carl Pentney

Date: Monday, March 20th 2023

Time: 6.30pm-8.30pm

Venue: ITFC Training Ground, Playford Road, Ipswich

Details: Ipswich Town Football Club will be hosting a Goalkeeper specific CPD event. There will be a short classroom presentation which will lead to a practical session outside on the grass where they will be looking at the importance of including Goalkeepers in outfield sessions within live practices.


The Art of Finishing

Delivered by Jamie Godbold, UEFA A Licenced Coach and Step 4 Football Manager

Date: Friday, March 24th 2023

Time: 6.30pm-8.30pm

Venue: Copleston Sports Centre, Ipswich

Details: This two-hour workshop will delve into the goals scored during last year’s World Cup and the impact that this has on our coaching sessions. We will look at the traits of the world’s best finishers and deliver some practical ideas that can be adapted across all age groups.


Thriving on the Pitch

Delivered by FA Regional Coach Developer Nimesh Patel

Date: Sunday, April 16th 2023

Time: 11am-1pm

Venue: Copleston Sports centre, Ipswich

Details: Thriving on the Pitch is targeted at coaches who have just completed their I2CF online workshop. It will cover, Players loving the game, Engaging players and Developing players skills


Game Formats: Benefits of Small-Sided Games

Delivered by FA Regional Coach Developer Nimesh Patel

Date: Sunday, April 16th 2023

Time: 1.30-3.30pm

Venue: Copleston Sports Centre, Ipswich

Details: How can I use small-sided games to: Develop players’ attacking & defending skills, Meet the differing needs and abilities of the players (STEP) and Emphasise goals, opposition, direction


Midfield Masterclass

Delivered by Jamie Godbold, UEFA A Licenced Coach and Step 4 Football Manager

Date: Friday, May 26th 2023

Time:  6.30pm-8.30pm

Venue: Copleston Sports Centre, Ipswich

Details: During this CPD we identify all the traits of the top midfield players and deliver practices that will develop key attributes required to play in midfield. The session will combine some theory with practical and will take you through practices relevant for all groups both male and female.


 Please scan the below QR code to book your event.

CPD QR Code Feb 2022

If you have any questions, please contact Ruth Ward via email Ruth.ward@suffolkfa.com


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