SCN and SFAL Launch July 2016

SFA Learning, Coaches Academy Details

THE Suffolk FA Coaches Academy moves into its second year with the opportunity for more coaches to join this nationally unique programme.

After the success of its inaugural season, the Coaches Academy will experience a number of new events this year including a visit to the Sports Science department at the University of Suffolk and an insight to new technology within coaching.

As well as this, coaches will also experience visits to professional academies and an opportunity to attend a match analysis session at AFC Sudbury.

Suffolk FA Senior Football Development Officer Michael Cornall, who heads up the programme, said: “Last year was hugely successful for the opening season of the Coaches Academy and it is important that we now build on this and continue to give the coaches on the programme a great football experience.

“The Coach Undergraduates displayed fantastic enthusiasm and passion for developing last season and we will continue to provide them with exclusive access and bespoke events that will support and enhance their coaching.”

Applications are now live for the Suffolk FA Coaches Academy and the closing date to apply is Friday, September 2nd.

Alongside the Coaches Academy launching for the second year, you will also be able to find details attached at the bottom of this page for the new FA Licensed Coaches Club CPD programme for 2016-17.

If you would like to find out about the FA Licensed Coaches Club or if you need to renew your membership, please click here

If you would like to apply then please see the application from attached at the bottom of the page and return to Michael Cornall via

All Coaches Academy Undergraduates have qualified through the Suffolk FA Learning programme.

The programme re-launched as of August 1st 2016, with courses shaped to fit around the lifestyle of the modern-day coach.

Sessions are now smaller with an element of online learning.

Suffolk FA Education & Project Officer Mike Phillips said: “We’re very excited to see the new Education Pathway roll out; FA Education have realised the modern-day coach has changed and they have adapted their course structure to match that.

“Suffolk FA are always looking at new and different ways to deliver our courses – we were one of very few to run a weekend-only FA Level 2 last summer, which was hugely popular. The new pathway again gives us licence to explore new ways of delivering both the Level 1 and Level 2.

“The Level 2 is now broken up to allow learners to really digest what they have learned and apply it to their coaching. It should really help the learner excel and as a result gain more from their time with their players.”

To find the new Coach Education Programme with a list of all the new courses, please click here

To find out more information on the new FA Level 1 and FA Level 2 Coaching Courses, please refer to the documents at the bottom of the page.

If you would like to discuss the new Suffolk FA Learning Programme with a member of the team, please contact Suffolk FA Education & Project Officer Mike Phillips on either 01449 776315 or via email:

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