League's incentives to attract clubs
A SUFFOLK league is offering financial incentives to attract new teams for next season.
The St Edmundsbury Football League, which was founded in 1907 and so is over 110 years old, is looking for teams to join next season.
To encourage teams to remain in the league and new teams to join, the committee has agreed the following:
- Entry to the league will be free for new and existing teams for season 2018-19
- The league will also pay the affiliation fees to the Suffolk FA and County Cup(s).
- The league will also assist with the insurance needed to affiliate.
The committee hope that with the financial challenges that clubs face, this will encourage new and existing teams to play within the league next season.
For more information, contact league secretary Bill Tinkler on 01284 766077 or via email billtinkler.bdfl@gmail.com
The league’s website is www.stedmundsburyfootballleague.co.uk
Suffolk FA Football Development Manager Jodie Allard said: “This is a great example of the proactive and positive approach that the St Edmundsbury League are taking towards supporting their teams to remain within the league next season.
“The league is one of the oldest we have in the area and we hope that this incentive encourages the creation of new teams to join the league, as well as supporting the existing teams to carry on next season.”
Bedricks Worth (white shirts) who play in the St Edmundsbury Football League are pictured above in action against Bungay Town A (sky blue shirts) in their 4-2 win in the third round of this season’s Suffolk Primary Cup in December.