BHM Ian Moore Oct 2023

Black History Month – Ian Moore

THE third in a series of articles on Suffolk officials to celebrate Black History Month.

THE third in a series of articles on Suffolk officials to celebrate Black History Month.

Ian Moore, 60, is a Level 5 official who referees on the Ipswich Youth Leagues, SIL Leagues and Sunday Morning League.


When did you take up refereeing?



Why did you decide to give it a go?

My daughter Megan used to play football. I went to watch her play and the referee did not turn up. As I played football myself they asked me to referee the game. After this, it was my great friend Gordon Rayner, who has now passed, who encouraged me to pursue refereeing. He helped me train for 11 weeks and sit through the exams. I have got him to thank for where I am today.

What’s the most rewarding aspect of being a referee?

Seeing people progress and pursue their passions and dreams.

What do you think could be done to attract more Black officials?

Reach out to schools and colleges in all areas to encourage and inform young people about refereeing. Continuing to advocate that the FA is a diverse and inclusive organisation.

What would you say to a Black person considering becoming a referee?

Don't be afraid and go for it.


Suffolk FA have a Referee course coming up as follows:

Venue: Walsham-le-Willows FC

Dates: Monday, November 20th, 6.30pm-9.30pm and Sunday, November 26th, 9am-5pm

Booking link:

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